Welcome to the CBCA (Tasmanian Branch) Inc. website


Online purchases via TryBooking

2024 AGM: TBA October 2024

All positions are declared vacant at the AGM. 

2024 Executive elected on October 28, 2023

Your 2023-24 executive are:
President - Steve Martin
Vice President - Roxanne Steenbergen
Secretary - vacant
Treasurer and Public Officer - Felicity Sly

We welcome enquiries. Please go to our contacts page.


Merchandise for the 2024 Book of the Year Awards, featuring the artwork of Jess Racklyeft  is now available.



Membership for 2024

New forms are now available on the Membership page, or by emailing tas@cbca.org.au.

Join or renew now to support the volunteer operations of CBCA Tas Branch.

Personal or institution membership forms can be accessed here.

Book of the Year Awards 2023

Shortlist 2023

Notables 2023

Winners 2023

Book of the Year Awards 2024


Launched October 29 2023

CBCA Tasmania Branch and Toast 4 Kids charity have co-launched an initiative to encourage parents/caregivers to read aloud to children in their care...every day. We aim for this message to go Australia-wide, with the opportunity for any organisation to add their own logo to the banner/email signature. Please contact us at tas@cbca.org.au if you would like a copy of the logo.

Read Aloud Logo

Events calendar

Foundation for Literacy and Learning Symposium

More information

Shadow Judging

Register NOW via the SUN Project website

Book Week 2024: August 17-23

Reading is Magic

Art work by Jess Racklyeft

see Announcement

see EVENTS page 


December 2023

September 2023

June 2023

March 2023

December 2022

Newsletter Archive

Join the conversation

Online Resources

Visit the CBCA website to access Reading Time for children's book news and reviews.

Links to book related activities from the Kid Lit blog

Audible resources free whilst schools closed

Cloudyseas activities (Coral Tulloch facebook)

Latest news (please scroll)

From the blog: Emotional Intelligence

This week Maureen Mann casts an alternative lens over a selection of CBCA Shortlisted titles to consider those that could spark conversations around empathy and resilience because of the emotional intelligence displayed in the characters. You are invited to add your own examples to this list.

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From the blog: Will it be a good series or…?

With her finger on the pulse of what’s popular in children’s fiction our guest author from The Hobart Bookshop, Bronwyn Chalke, shares some popular series fiction for independent readers from primary through to secondary years. Find out what’s just hit the shelves or is soon to be released and pick up the next books in your favourite series.

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From the blog: “Tell Me a Story”: Why Reading Aloud Still Matters

With National Simultaneous Storytime just behind us and CBCA Tasmania’s ‘read aloud to your child every day’ campaign in full swing, Lyndon’s post provides a perfect backdrop for the importance of reading from an oral perspective - hearing the words adds a further dimension.

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