News Archives

From the blog: Reading Role Models

With Tasmania Reads week starting today, this timely post from Anna Davidson explores the importance of creating a reading culture in the school and the critical role adults have in modelling, and supporting students to model, engaged reading practices. Full of practical ideas for schools, as well as food thought for home reading.

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From the blog: Reading is Magic - CBCA Book of the Year Awards: Notables 2024

The announcement of the CBCA Notables kicks off the excitement generated each year in the build up towards Book Week and the awards announcements later in the year. Maureen Mann shares some insights into the awards and the importance of the work of the Judges in celebrating quality titles drawn from their extensive reading and deliberations.

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End of Year Celebrations, Reflections and Forward Planning

A timely post as the end of the school year draws close that highlights the varied and engaging experiences that school libraries and rich library programs afford our children. Input from students is an important component of these inspirational ideas shared by Anna Davidson, a teacher librarian at Hutchins School.

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From the blog: Writing As Play

This week, Tasmanian author, Claire van Ryn shares the joy and freedom she has found in writing fiction and the open invitation the form offers to play with ideas and language.

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From the blog: Read Aloud to Your Child Every Day

CBCA Tasmania, in partnership with Toast for Kids Charity launched a new campaign, “Read Aloud to Your Child Every Day”, in Hobart on the weekend at Mathers House, during the Sunday Farm Gate Market. Families that joined us had the opportunity to receive a copy of the recent Toast 4 Kids Tassie Rhymes for Little Tigers (Joy, 2022) or a different complimentary book to start their own Read Aloud to your Child Every Day commitment.

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